13. dec. 2011

Ny Maria

Endelig er jeg kommet i gang med min nye Maria.  Denne gang vil jeg igen male på en lidt anderledes måde.  Jeg har malet bundfarven  i kun 1 lag og ladt den stå helt ujevn.  Lysningerne bliver lagt i meget tynde transparente lag sådan at proplasmos (bunden)kan anes.  Denne gang skal det lykkes...

12. dec. 2011

The Eye of the I - David R. Hawkins

"The eye of the I  is a brilliant work that dissolves the barriers between the known and the unknown, between science and spirituality, and between the Newtonian linear paradigm of the ego "
The book :"The  eye of the I"  is written by  David R. Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D.

What if there is a method to test Truth? A method you and I can use - and which requires nothing else than a muscle?
What if every feeling, human being, animal, tree - in short everything in the world had a frequency - and we are able to check that frequency?
David Hawkins asserts that in his book.
 He claims to have  calibrated every feeling on a level from 0 to 1000.  0 being shame and 1000 being enlightenment.
"All that ever is or was, without exception, radiates forth a frequency and a vibration as a permanent imprint in the impersonal field of consciousness and can be retreived by this test through conscioussness itself."
Anything that calibrates below level 200 is negative. and when you cross level 600 this indicates the crossing over from the perceptual world of duality to the nonperceptual world of nonduality.
 He has calibrated the muscle test and response itself, it calibrates at 600.
  This means that its true nature cannot really be comprehended by most people, although everyone can learn to use it in a practical manner .
The author holds that 78% of the world's population calibrates below the level of Integrity at 200.  The consiouseness level for mankind as a whole is now 207 - it took a jump in 1986 from 190  and crossed the critical line of 200 and on to its current level of 207.
Only 4 % of the worlds population ever reaches the level of Love of 500, and only 0.4 percent reaches the level of 540 or Unconditional love.   One in 10 million reaches the level of 600 (from duality to nonduality), where identification with the physical body ceases and thus, the great fear above all fears, death itself, disappears as a possible "reality".  

Interesting reading ..Gospel of Thomes he calibrates at 660, A Course in Miracles (workbook) at 600, Bhagavad Ghita 910, Upanishads 970, Zen 850.  As a keen reader of ACIM this is a bit surprising!He sayscommitment to Enlightenment now becomes like a magnet pulling one towards it, and the rate of evolution is up to the individual's willingness to surrender resistances.  Enlightenment is not a condition to be obtained, it is merely a certainty to be surrendered to, for the Self is already one's Reality.  It is the Self that is attracting one to spiritual information".

I like that.I will write more - as I read on....

11. dec. 2011

Tvillinger...og andre børnebørn

Dagen startet med at tage Veterantog fra Hillerød til Tisvildeleje - sammen med Pernille, Kajsa, Mynthe og tvillingerne Mikkeline og Frederikke.
Flot tur gennem Gribskov med det gamle tog...Frederikke (her nedenunder) var ikke særligt glad for julemanden som kom med pebernødder.
I Tisvildeleje på Birkepladsen fik vi købt to flotte juletræer, Kajsa og Mynthe fik en ridetur og Frederikke og Mikkeline fik kikket på kaniner, får og Luciaoptog.
Heldigvis tog det kun 5 minutter at komme hjem.  Frederikke og Mikkeline fik sig en velfortjent lur.
I eftermiddags har vi bare hygget os med at læse lidt og pigerne har leget meget med dukker.  Jeg fandt mine mavedansebælter frem og så har vi ellers løbet rundt i huset og "ringet" med de fine bælter...  God  træning!

Jeg var så optaget af at være sammen med børnebørnene, at jeg helt glemte jeg havde udstilling i Tisvildelejecafeen og at mine ikoner skulle være afhentet ved 16. tiden.  Det kom jeg først i tanke om når klokken var 17.00.  Så var det hele lukket og slukket.  Heldigvis havde en god veninde taget mine ikoner med hjem til sig.  Sådan er det når man ikke er helt tilstede - eller også var det fordi jeg var helt til stede...  Disse billeder blev taget efter middagsluren og viser to herlige børn - tvillinger og så helt forskellige - både af sind og udseende.  Smukke lysende små væsener er de.Stilheden var påtagende når alle var taget hjem - den er nu heller ikke dårlig.Og resten af dagen/aftenen skal jeg bruge på mig selv og min egen næsetip- og så tænker jeg jeg tar en tur i sauna - det var koldt og blæsende i Tisvildeleje i dag, og kroppen trænger til at blive varmet igennem. Jeg er heldig - jeg tænder for saunaen nu og takker for mit liv og for denne dejlige dag.

9. dec. 2011

Honesty - what does it mean?

The key element in the Course’s approach is honesty, which is the second of the ten characteristics of a teacher of God, discussed in the manual for teachers (M.4). Jesus states there that honesty means consistency: "There is nothing you say that contradicts what you think or do; no thought opposes any other thought..." (M.4.II.1). In other words, there is a consistency between your words (form) and your thoughts (content). If we set aside any ego investment in the situation, then only love will flow though us, and it will be expressed in a form that would be appropriate in that specific situation. The emphasis is on the content in our minds. If we are kind within, we will be kind on the outside. Our attention, thus, should be on searching for any unkindness lurking in our thoughts, and asking for help to let that go. Once we have gotten past the unkindness, whatever we say or do will be kind, in a form that is appropriate to the circumstances

From Question and Answer service - Foundation for A Course in Miracles


"All the world's a stage": Watching ourselves from the audience

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. discusses the "you" whom Jesus addresses in his Course. He also presents a practical exercise students can use in their daily lives to help them observe their egos in action.

Thank you Mathine for reminding me of this!

7. dec. 2011

I will just walk on

No matter what seems to happen to me - I just walk on - the end is certain.
I do not have to worry about what to say - or what to do.
The only thing I will work on is observing  my thoughts.  I have to be vigilant of my thoughts. The ones I do not want - the ones that make me uneasy -  I will give to the Holy Spirit. 
And I will be - just be in my breath, my every step and my every move.


Sounds easy!


I am determined to see things differently

Kort nr. 6

I dag vil jeg se alle ting

 på en ny måde

Lad mig huske at mine reaktioner kun er bestemt af de beslutninger JEG træffer. Jeg vil træne mig selv i at beslutte at se mennesker og begivenheder med kærlighed i stedet for frygt. Hver gang jeg i dag føler den mindste uro eller frygt, siger jeg  til mig selv:

Jeg er fri til at vælge. I dag beslutter jeg mig for at se tingene på en ny måde.

From lesson 21 in A Course in Miracles.  
"I am determined to see things differently". 
Most of my life I have behaved as if I was a robot, that was reacting on what other people said or did.  Now I see, that my reactions are a result of the decisions I make.  I declare my own freedom by training my own power of decision, to see people with love in stead of fear.

I repeat the following everytime I today feel tempted to see with the eyes of fear:

I am free.  Today I am determined to see things differently.
