Viser opslag med etiketten God's love. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten God's love. Vis alle opslag

15. dec. 2014

Do not worry


This is so comforting.  I do not have to worry about a thing. Really!!
The end of all this is absolutely sure.  How can that be?

I actually never really left my Home.  I am dreaming.  Now my memory comes back to me - bit by bit, and at a pace that is perfectly made to fit me.
I do not have to worry about the time, as long as I know the end is sure. It is written in the stars!

The truth is this: I am LOVE, and that will NEVER change. 

28. sep. 2011

In me is a place untouched by the world

In me is a place untouched by the world. In me is a place where I can decide for peace. In me is a decisionmaker. Here is the way to my higher Self, eternal and unchangeable and only love and peace. In all situations and at all times I can find the place in me where the peace is.
Today I will remind myself that:

In me is a place untouched by the world

Card no. 15 in my series of cards based on A Course in Miracles

1. sep. 2011

Nature reminds me of who I am

Nature reminds me of who I am.
I can always turn to nature.
It is always as it is.  
It is.
Just like me - I am.


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30. aug. 2011

Just do what you love...

Tænk at det virkelig kan være så enkelt!! Jeg tror på det.  Jeg kan altid vælge.
Læste også lige Jette  Harthimmers blog  - hun skrev også  det samme i dag.

En påmindelse til mig som kommer flere steder fra.  Så må jeg jo heller lytte.  Og det gør jeg.  Men måske ikke så konstant?
Det er sådan at jeg jo ikke helt er klar over hvad som er bedst for mig, altid.  Men ved at lytte til min intuition, ved at lade tingene folde sig ud, og nærmest selv vise mig vej og ved at jeg lytter - så går det aldrig galt.

Det jeg foretager mig i mit liv skal være enkelt.  Det skal gå greit. Jeg skal aldri kjempe som en gal for at få noe gjennemført.  Når det er det riktige jeg er i gang med er det aldri besværlig! 

Men noen ganger tror jeg jeg selv vet hva det er jeg skal. Det jeg skal lære er at jeg aldri vet det. Ikke på forhånd.  Men når jeg er i gang med det rigtige - så er det ingen som helst tvivl i mit hjerte.  Det er fyldt med glæde og fred.
Da har jeg lyttet og fulgt min mavefornemmelse eller intuition. Det stedet i mig hvor sandheden hviler. Og jeg er  ikke i tvivl. 


Thank you Lisa Natoli for your inspiration

20. aug. 2011

Om stilhed

Så store kontraster der er i mit liv.
På Færøerne - ved Sandavagur i sommerhuset på Utí a Trød 
som du kan se her over, var der stille.  

Ingen mennesker, men to heste, en del får og en hare som kom forbi hver dag.  
Og så havet - det fantastiske hav - og vejret - som skiftet ustandseligt.

Mange, mange timer i stilhed.  Ingen radio eller fjernsyn,
 ingen aviser eller computer og intet internet.
Det var dejligt og meget stille!

Stilhed som jeg brugte til meditation og til læsning.
Og ofte også til ikke noget overhovedet!
Jeg bare var.
Var i det som var - uden ret mange tanker.
En meget livgivende stilhed og ro.
Som er med mig her når jeg er vendt tilbage 
til mit vante liv. 

Nu bliver Færøerne snart byttet ud med Norge og Signebøenfjellet.
Det er kantareltid!
Så er det ud i skoven!  

Dagens lektion 232:  
Jeg sier den til mig selv hver morgen og aften:
Be in my mind, my Father, when I wake, and shine on me throughout the day today Let every minute be a time in which I dwell with You. And let me not forget my hourly thanksgiving that You have remained with me, and always will be there to hear my call to You and answer me. As evening comes, let all my thoughts be still of You and of Your Love. And let me sleep sure of my safety, certain of Your care, and happily aware I am Your Son.
This is as every day should be Today, practice the end of fear. Have faith in Him Who is your Father. Trust all things to Him. Let Him reveal all things to you, and be you undismayed because you are His Son.

Fred i dit, mit og alles hjerter,

10. aug. 2011

What is love anyway?

 I like these words by Osho:

Love relates, but it is not a relationship. A relationship is something finished. A relationship is a noun; the full stop has come, the honeymoon is over. Now there is no joy, no enthusiasm, now all is finished. You can carry on with it, just to keep your promises. To do so is comfortable, convenient, and cosy. Perhaps you do it because there is nothing else to do. Perhaps you think that if you disrupt it, it is going to create much trouble for you… Relationship means something complete, finished, and closed.
Love is never a relationship; love is relating. It is always a river, flowing, unending. Love knows no full stop; the honeymoon begins but never ends. It is not a novel that starts at a certain point and ends at a certain point. It is ongoing. Lovers end, love continues. It’s a continuum. It’s a verb, not a noun.
And why do we reduce the beauty of relating to relationship? Because to relate is insecure, and relationship is a security. Relationship has a certainty; relating is just a meeting of two strangers, maybe in the morning we say goodbye. Who knows what the morrow brings? We would like tomorrow to be according to our ideas; so we reduce verbs to nouns.
You are in love and immediately you start thinking of getting married. Make it a legal contract. The law comes
into love because love is not there. It is only a fantasy, and you know the fantasy will disappear.
If you enjoy being with somebody, you would like to enjoy it more and more. If you enjoy the intimacy, you would like to explore the intimacy more and more. And there are a few flowers of love that bloom only after long intimacies. There are seasonal flowers too: within six weeks they are there, in the sun, but another six weeks and they are gone forever. There are flowers that take years to come… The longer it takes, the deeper it goes. But it has to be a commitment from one heart to another. It has not even to be verbalised, because to verbalise it is to profane it. It has to be a silent commitment, eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, being-to-being. It has to be understood, not said. Forget relationships and learn how to relate.
Relating means you are always starting, you are continuously trying to become acquainted. Again and again, you are introducing yourself to each other. You are trying to see the many facets of the other’s personality. You are trying to unravel a mystery that cannot be unravelled. That is the joy of love: the exploration of consciousness.
Excerpted from Love, Freedom, and Aloneness:
A New Vision of Relating. Courtesy:
Osho International Foundation/


23. apr. 2011

A Channel for God's love

To be a perfect channel for God's Love is to surrender completely and to eliminate the goal of seeking of the spiritual ego. A useful approach is to let the Love of God replace the willfulness that is driving and seeking. Out of an unrestricted love for God arises the willingness to surrender all motives except to serve God completely. To be a servant of God becomes one's goal rather than enlightenment.
~David Hawkins