27. apr. 2020

May God Bless You - Lars Muhl

From the danish poet, musician, author, healer... - Lars Muhl:

Please fell free to share it with everybody.
This is our blessing to ALL human beings everywhere. If we want to, we can heal ourselves and each other.
Let's forget our differences and concentrate on the Power within that unite us in love and forgiveness.
We are human beings, and we were meant to be dancers, poets, singers, lovers, storytellers, prophets and healers.

May God bless youand your loved ones.May His light shineon you always.

’Cause there’s a light that shines foreverhidden deep within our hearts.And every breath we take is sacredFeel its presence in this now!

May God bless youand your loved ones.May His light shineon you always.

And there’s a song that sounds foreverall the way through space and time.Hear it calling, feel it fallingFrom your heart right into mine!

May God bless youand your loved ones.May His light shineon you always.

Malkoota, HallelujahAhava, Hallelujah.Malkoota, HallelujaAhava, Hallelujah.

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